CBD, or cannabidiol, has been hailed by medical professionals as one of the most effective substances in the world. This is largely due to its non-intoxicating properties. Scientifically speaking, the Best CBD seed banks to buy from online can be used with almost any ailment you could imagine — pain, anxiety and insomnia are just the tip of the iceberg. The biggest downside? That CBD is still illegal at a federal level in many countries and states within America.
Fortunately for those who want to safely reap this plant’s benefits without breaking any laws or getting into legal trouble, there are a handful of online retailers that can offer high-quality CBD materials for sale at an affordable price.
But if you’re thinking about prepping for the long haul, you’re going to need a CBD seed bank. The biggest advantages are that it will give you steady supplies of CBD material for many years to come without fail, and what’s even better — it won’t cost you a cent. When these things are factored in, there’s no reason why anyone should be looking elsewhere for CBD seeds online.
Selecta Seeds
These guys offer a free kit that allows you to grow your own high-CBD material on your doorstep, which is handy for those who aren’t too keen about purchasing seeds online and having them shipped to their door. There are a range of different strains available, so you can pick and choose whichever ones best suit your needs. Some of the most popular strains include ACDC, Cannatonic, Jack Herer and Harlequin. Each of these strains is currently available in both feminized and regular versions.
The prices for each strain vary depending on how many seeds you purchase at once — for instance, you can get a pack of 10 Jack Herer seeds for $55. Orders don’t have to be placed in bulk, and if you don’t know what kind of strain you’re looking for, then why not create your own?
This is another great way to get your hands on strong CBD with little effort on your part. Manufacturers over here are offering many different strains that you can choose from depending on what you’re looking for. The price points will obviously vary depending on the age of the product — the oldest strains are more expensive than the ones that are recently released. The prices also vary widely from $8 to $30, so there’s always something useful for everyone.
CBD Store
This is a Dutch website that’s been around for quite some time. You can purchase your CBD products here in bulk, though the pricing varies depending on how many seeds you buy. The nice thing about this site is that it offers a large range of different strains to choose from, meaning that there’s something for everyone in terms of your personal preferences. As a general rule, these guys offer an R60 per gram price point.